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Introducing: Beyond The Generations

Beyond The Generations is a father-daughter duo from the UK, made up of Marc and Melanie Le Sage. Influenced by a wide range of musical genres across the generations, their music reflects the emotions and sentiments from the world around. From country to blues with an element of pop, there is plenty for everyone.


How did you start playing together?

Melanie: It was pretty much a natural transition, to be honest. Music has always been part of our lives and I can always remember Dad playing the guitar, and I then started accompanying on vocals. “Hotel California” by The Eagles sticks to mind as one of the earliest jamming sessions.

Marc: I think it kind of evolved really. Melanie has always liked to sing and as a little girl she had a toy microphone that she would sing into while dancing and performing in the living room. As she got older and developed her own musical abilities, we started jamming more and more together and it developed from there.


Where do you get inspiration for your songs?

Melanie: It really depends. Some songs start with the lyrics, others with the melody and some are simply an idea. As with most songwriting, I am sure that a lot is taken from personal emotions and observations of the world around…. I know that mine certainly are!

Marc: Just about everywhere really. I think that songwriting is a way of channelling mood and expressing feelings, sentiments and ideas. Often it starts with a ‘feel’ and a rough outline, either with a chord sequence or a lyric idea, sometimes even a title. I remember ‘Something Like That’ actually came from a discussion around a rhythm sequence. Having altered a pattern I said “how about something like that’ and it stuck as the title of the song and the lyrics and melody followed.

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